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Learn About All On 4 Dental Implants from a Dentist in Plano

August 11, 2017

Filed under: Dentist Plano — Tags: , , — tntadmin @ 6:26 pm

Your dentist in Plano may recommend all on 4 dental implants for severe tooth loss. Are you one of many Americans that have missing teeth? It’s good to know that you’re not alone, but it’s better to know why it’s important to replace those missing teeth. Moreover, it’s critical to understand which dental prosthetic will work best for you. In most severe cases, your dentist in Plano, Dr. Bita Kamali, will recommend an all on 4 dental implant procedure to replace a full mouth of teeth.

What is a dental implant?

Past tooth replacement options only addressed parts of the teeth that were above the gum line. Thankfully, now we’re able to replace both what lies above and below the gum line. Both parts are equally important. Dental implants are small, titanium posts that mimic the root of your tooth (below the gum line), restoring the health of your jawbone. A tooth replicate (prosthetic of your choice) will then be attached to restore the portion of your tooth that lies above the gum line.

What is the procedure?

Dr. Kamali will refer you out to one of our trusted oral surgeons to have your dental implants placed within your jawbone. Although the procedure is relatively simple, our office believes in putting your health and safety first. It’s important to see specialists when it comes to surgical procedures.

Once your implants have been placed, your jawbone and gums will naturally fuse to your implant over the next several months. During your healing period, we will be creating your natural looking and feeling dental prosthetic. After your body has adjusted, you will return to our office to attach the replacement teeth.

So, what are all on 4 dental implants?

As the name suggests, your dental prosthetic will be anchored down by 4 implants. This may sound similar to implant retained dentures, but in reality, using this technique will save you time and money. Instead of placing more implants, Dr. Kamali will direct oral surgeons to place the implants at a certain angle to further support your dental prosthetics. Here are some of the benefits of all on 4 dental implants in Plano:

  • You can achieve fully-functioning, new teeth in a short amount of time.
  • Your appearance will improve—and the way you feel about yourself.
  • You can eat the foods you love without reservation.
  • You eliminate those health issues that are associated with tooth loss.
  • You can care for your teeth as if they’re your natural teeth.
  • You will enhance your quality of life.

Are you ready to explore the various options dental implants have to offer?

Missing teeth—especially a lot of them—can make life more difficult. Luckily, you can replace them permanently with dental implants. We have the resources available to do so in the least invasive way with all on 4 dental implants. Do you still have more questions? Feel free to contact our office and schedule a consultation to meet with your female dentist in Plano, Dr. Kamali.


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