Safe and Sound: Sedation Options in Tooth Extraction
April 11, 2024

Tooth extractions are one of the most common procedures performed at dental offices. Since it involves an extensive process, you’ll typically expect to receive medication during the treatment to help you stay comfortable and pain-free. Other than the usual local anesthesia, your dentist may offer sedation dentistry for further relaxation. Keep reading to learn about the different types of sedatives that are used for tooth extractions.
The Need for Local Anesthesia for Tooth Extractions
Generally speaking, local anesthesia will almost always be used for a tooth removal procedure. While many people assume this medication puts you to sleep, it is designed to block or turn off the sensory nerves in a particular area of the body. This means that you can receive local anesthesia for dental treatment but still be completely awake and aware of your surroundings throughout the procedure. Not only will your dentist want to eliminate any pain or discomfort, but they’ll also want to ensure you’re as relaxed as possible for a more pleasant experience. That’s where sedation dentistry comes into play!
Types of Sedation Options for Tooth Extractions
To help patients who are more prone to dental-related anxieties or phobias, or those who need lengthy procedures, dental sedation is often the effective solution they are looking for. Two of the common types of sedatives you might choose from for a tooth extraction include nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation.
Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as “laughing gas,” is perhaps the mildest option of this form of dentistry. Not only is it the safest solution, but it’s also the easiest and fastest way to help a patient be relaxed and calm during a procedure. You will simply need to wear a nasal mask that will allow you to breathe in nitrous oxide to reduce levels of anxiety throughout your visit. Afterward, your dental team will remove the device and you should feel back to normal within a few minutes.
Oral conscious sedation involves taking a prescribed pill a certain time before your appointment so that the numbing effects can kick in at the proper moment. This option is much stronger than nitrous oxide and the sedative can work for hours, which is why it’s mostly reserved for patients with more moderate anxiety or who require undergoing more extensive procedures. In many cases, people feel as if they’ve fallen asleep even though they’ll still be able to respond to simple commands and questions from their team.
Before moving forward with your tooth extraction, take time to consult your dentist about your options for sedation dentistry. They’ll be happy to evaluate you and determine which solution is the best for you so that you can be as comfortable as possible!
About the Author
Dr. Bita Kamali has been providing excellent dental care for well over two decades. She offers a wide range of various services to optimize patient comfort, such as nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation, and restorative treatments like tooth extractions to improve your oral health. If you wish to learn more about these options or need to schedule an appointment, visit her website or call her at 972-818-1300.